All tagged Sovereignty

More Than a Pansy

What do we do when God says, "Flourish" and we say, "Wait, what? I can't do that here, Lord!"? What do we do when contentment is hard because, at the end of it all, we simply don't like where we are or what is happening?

Salvation Is a Work of God

There is a difficult but marvelous truth to be found within the pages of Scripture: You, dear Christian, cannot save anyone. Nor can any sinner save himself. No matter how pithily or poetically one asks Jesus to "come into his heart," no matter how many zeroes are written on the check, no matter how piously the Lord's Table is approached, no matter how many Bible studies one participates in, no matter how many sermons one hears, no matter how many Bibles one owns, no man can bring himself to the point of salvation, nor can any man hold himself responsible for saving another. Salvation is a work of God.